Enlightenment today

what Kant & Co. still have to say us


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Academic Responsibility

Prof. Dr. i.R. Rudolf Lüthe

Philosophy, University of Koblenz, RWTH Aachen

Contact Person





Thursday, 16:30 – 18:00 p.m.


in presence

R 140 (1080|140)
Schinkelstraße 1, 52062 Aachen 


300 years after his birth, the Kant anniversary is omnipresent. The Königsberg philosopher Immanuel Kant is still regarded today as a heavyweight in German philosophy history and stands like no other for the Enlightenment and the keywords associated with it – rationality, maturity, freedom, peace. 

However, it is not only recently that sceptics and critics of Kant as a person, his philosophical legacy and the relevance of the Enlightenment as a whole have come forward. Post-colonial schools of thought criticise an immanent racism, while from an ecological point of view, the Enlightenment has a reputation for having paved the way for unbridled growth, excessive individualism and the destruction of nature and the animal world with its fixation on human beings. Many works and theories are considered outdated and difficult to understand. Universalism, peace and human dignity seem to be on the retreat politically and culturally – worldwide. 

This course addresses contemporary global debates and challenges and asks whether and to what extent Enlightenment thinking can make a meaningful contribution to them.  With the help of recognised experts from theory and practice, we will examine topics such as “democracy”, “religion”, “justice”, “freedom” and “post-colonialism”. In the year of the Kant anniversary, we are not just honouring heroes, but asking whether and what students at RWTH can still learn from the Enlightenment and its pioneers today.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students learn about the work and thought of Kant and the Enlightenment as a whole. 
  • They place Enlightenment philosophy in the context of current global debates and challenges. 
  • They take a differentiated look at points of criticism of Kant’s philosophy and the Enlightenment and discuss their cognitive potential for the present day. 



Kant today. Some notes on enlightenment, reason, philosophy and human dignity

Prof. Dr. i.R. Rudolf Lüthe


“When people began to doubt the divine creation of the world. The Bible and its interpretation in the Enlightenment

Prof. Dr. Simone Paganini
Teaching and research area Biblical Theology (RWTH Aachen)


The current renewal of the Enlightenment 

PD Dr. Ulrike Bardt
Koblenz University


Enlightenment and Racist Modernity

Prof. Dr. Martin Lüthe
John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, FU Berlin


Kant’s political philosophy today

Prof. Dr. Thomas Göller
Department für Philosophie, KIT


Enlightenment in political practice

Dr. Carmen Krämer
Mayoress of Monschau

Procedure/Working method​

Je nach Studienordnung, Lehrveranstaltung und Leistung können Credit Points durch eine Teilnahme erworben werden.

Certificate/Examination CP

Certificate of Participation (not graded)

Questionnaire 2 CP
Term paper 4 CP
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