Rethinking Resources

Innovations to secure Europe's future


The registration takes place via RWTH Online and is possible until 31st of March. Further information about the registration process can be found in our FAQ.

All students can register for one module. You can specify two preferences. Please use the numbers “1” and “2”. If you have not been assigned a place in the project after the end of the assignment and are still interested in participating, please contact sibel.yildirim[@] directly.

(If you have any problems with the registration or with RWTHonline, please contact Mrs. Sibel Yildirim (IPW), also stating your matriculation number:

Questions and suggestions are welcome. Get in contact with us! (Visit us also on Facebook)

Academic Responsibility

Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Stefan Böschen

Research and teaching field “Society and Technology”
Human Technology Center (HumTec), RWTH Aachen

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Elisabeth Clausen

Research and teaching field Advanced Mining Technologies
RWTH Aachen

Contact Person





Tuesday, 6:30 – 8:00 pm


S02 | (1386|202) 

Claßenstr. 11
52072 Aachen




Resources permeate our everyday lives as a matter of course, but the sustainable procurement and utilisation of these resources poses a challenge. Contemporary societies have become dependent on resources in a wide-ranging and complex way. The secure supply of resources and secure access to resources are therefore rightly seen as a major challenge. What is more, the emergence of a new world order raises the question of a secure and sustainable supply of resources with particular urgency.

Against this background, the crucial question arises: Whether and, if so, in what way can Europe make itself independent of resources? The answer to this question depends on many factors, which we will explore as part of the module. These include, in particular, the complex dependencies in the extraction and utilisation of raw materials, the criticality of resources, challenges for a secure supply of raw materials and, of course, the question of the sustainability of selected raw material supply paths.

In order to make the strategic aspects of this topic tangible, the module is carried out in the form of a business game.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to…
… describe the importance of sustainable resource extraction and explain the role of domestic mining against the background of a secure supply of resources.
… describe different types of resource extraction and differentiate between them based on their respective requirements and framework conditions.
… develop the social embedding of resource extraction as a relevant issue in a subject-specific way.
… discuss the background and elements of a resource strategy and contextualise the resource strategy and other key points of the Federal Government’s resource policy.
… recognise and describe the interdependencies of various factors (economic, ecological, social) and be able to apply them to specific examples.
… reflect on the strategic issues of resource dependency of transformation processes.
… understand the dynamics and framework conditions of debates in public-political spaces.
… practise role-taking and consider forms of self-positioning and positioning by others.



Introduction to the topic – course schedule

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Clausen

Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen

RWTH Aachen


Exemplary raw material histories – networking and materialization of the use of raw materials using selected examples 

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Clausen
Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen
RWTH Aachen


Dimensions for a secure raw material supply (criticality); raw material supply EU and Germany, raw material markets 

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Clausen
Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen
RWTH Aachen


Key points of German and EU raw materials policy: sustainability and resilience 

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Clausen
Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen
RWTH Aachen


Stakeholder perspectives – start strategy development: Secure supply of metal raw materials in Germany/Europe

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Clausen
Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen
RWTH Aachen


Negotiate and coordinate strategy. Reflection in preparation for the parliamentary evening (pitch)

Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Clausen
Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen
RWTH Aachen


Parliamentary evening: Strategies of German and European raw materials policy




Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Clausen

Prof. Dr. Stefan Böschen

RWTH Aachen

Procedure/Working method​

Depending on the course of studies, module and examination, credit points can be achieved through participation. If you would like to take an exam, please make sure beforehand how you can get credit for it in your degree program. Of course, you can also take exams without receiving curricular credit for them. Visit our FAQs for more information.

In the following you will find all exams offered in this course. If you register the examination in RWTHonline, you will also find the assignment to the designations displayed in RWTHonline here:



Certificate of Participation (0 CP, not graded)


Protocol with critical analysis (2 CP, not graded)

Project "Leonardo": Protocol with Analysis

Term Paper (4 CP)

Project "Leonardo": Study Paper

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