Philosophical Reading Circle for Non-Philosophers



The registration takes place via RWTH Online and is possible until 31st of March. Further information about the registration process can be found in our FAQ.

All students can register for one module. You can specify two preferences. Please use the numbers “1” and “2”. If you have not been assigned a place in the project after the end of the assignment and are still interested in participating, please contact sibel.yildirim[@] directly.

(If you have any problems with the registration or with RWTHonline, please contact Mrs. Sibel Yildirim (IPW), also stating your matriculation number:

Questions and suggestions are welcome. Get in contact with us! (Visit us also on Facebook)

Academic Responsibility

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lüthe

Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftstheorie und Technikphilosophie und Philosophisches Institut
RWTH Aachen

Contact Person

Chiara Schumann, B.A.
Sönke hebing, M. Ed.
Alina cohnen, M. Ed.






Thursday, 4:30-6:00 p.m. 


Leonardo-Room (6070|216)

Theaterplatz 14; 52062 Aachen

Course Language   German


Are you interested in philosophical issues? Do you want to engage in discussions about values, worldviews, and concepts for a good life? But do you feel that there is no space for this in your academic program? If so, this reading group is for you!

The Philosophy Reading Group for non-philosophy majors offers students from a variety of disciplines the opportunity to approach, explore and discuss philosophical texts. It allows for the exchange of thoughts and opinions in a small group setting without requiring any prior knowledge of philosophy. The discourse is designed to help participants understand, critically reflect on, and share their experiences of reading philosophical texts in an open circle.

Texts will be selected together in the first session, taking into account participants' interests. Classical works from the history of philosophy can be chosen from a pre-selection. Participants are also encouraged to make suggestions! Session intervals and reading volumes will be chosen to fit well into everyone's semester.  Possible texts include “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Albert Camus, “Existentialism is a Humanism” by Jean-Paul Sartre, and “The Idea of a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose” by Immanuel Kant.


Learning Outcomes

Become acquainted with basic philosophical concepts: Students develop an understanding of philosophical thought and the discussion of concepts through the exchange of ideas.

Cultivate critical thinking skills: Students will strengthen their ability to think critically by analyzing, interpreting, and considering alternative perspectives in philosophical texts.

Strengthen communication skills: Students should improve their oral communication skills, especially their ability to communicate complex philosophical ideas in an understandable way, through active participation in discussions.





Titel der Veranstaltung


Procedure/Working method​

Depending on the course of studies, module and examination, credit points can be achieved through participation. If you would like to take an exam, please make sure beforehand how you can get credit for it in your degree program. Of course, you can also take exams without receiving curricular credit for them. Visit our FAQs for more information.


Certificate of Participation (0 CP, not graded)
Protocol with critical analysis  (2 CP, not graded)
Presentation as session moderation (3 CP)



Certificate of Participation (0 CP, not graded)


Protocol with critical analysis  (2 CP, not graded)

Project "Leonardo": Protocol with Analysis

Presentation as session moderation (3 CP)

Project "Leonardo": Presentation

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