Cultures of science and research


The registration takes place via RWTH Online and is possible until October 17th. Further information about the registration process can be found in our FAQ.

All students can register for one module. You can specify two preferences. Please use the numbers “1” and “2”. If you have not been assigned a place in the project after the end of the assignment and are still interested in participating, please contact sibel.yildirim[@] directly.

(If you have any problems with the registration or with RWTHonline, please contact Mrs. Sibel Yildirim (IPW), also stating your matriculation number:

Questions and suggestions are welcome. Get in contact with us! (Visit us also on Facebook)

Academic Responsibility

Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Stefan Böschen

Teaching and Research Area “Technology and Society” at HumTec

Dr. Barbara Grimpe


Contact Person





Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 p.m.


In person

 H07 C.A.R.L.


Technology and science are drivers of progress, but can also cause unintended harm in society. Progress and related issues, e.g. economic growth, have long since ceased to be a self-evident background consensus, and there are more and more efforts to think about social change (transformation) in a more holistic and long-term way, for example under the concepts of sustainability and social responsibility.

We approach this topic area from a cultural perspective. Every scientific discipline, every practical profession is characterized by cultural peculiarities that, seen from another discipline, another profession, are not self-evident, indeed are often alienating and questionable. By “culture” we mean here a diversity of often unquestioned perspectives, basic assumptions, methodological beliefs, ways of writing and other ways of working, which we will elaborate and compare using different examples and disciplines (e.g. computer science, chemistry, economics, social sciences). On this basis, we will develop a better understanding of the opportunities and limitations of interdisciplinary collaboration. In the next step, we will ‚open up‘ this field further by also addressing opportunities and limits of transdisciplinary collaboration based on concrete cases (e.g., citizen participation in so-called living labs). Finally, we highlight what can be learned from all this about the possibilities and obstacles of societal transformation.

Learning Outcomes

Students have acquired a basic understanding of the concept of knowledge culture (incl. the underlying multifaceted concept of culture) and can use it to make the differences between various scientific and research cultures visible. They can explain interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity and explain them from different (problem) perspectives. They can apply all these insights to “big” questions of social transformation. Overall, they thus further develop various skills: analytical acuity; (self-) critical reflection on the specifics of their own discipline(s), and the discipline(s) of others; and the ability to work inter- and transdisciplinarily. They are able to assess and discuss possible contributions of the university to various issues of societal transformation.


Program t.b.a.



Prof. Stefan Böschen | Dr. Barbara Grimpe


Konzept der Wissenschaftskultur

Dr. Barbara Grimpe


Inter- und Transdisziplinäre Forschung

Dr. Barbara Grimpe


Wir alle studieren und forschen in unterschiedlichen Kulturen: Entwurf der Interviewleitfäden

Dr. Barbara Grimpe


Wissenschaftskulturen erleben, Runde 1 (Durchführung von Interviews)

Dr. Barbara Grimpe


Wissenschaftskulturen erleben, Runde 2 (Durchführung von Interviews)

Dr. Barbara Grimpe



Prof. Stefan Böschen | Dr. Barbara Grimpe

Procedure/Working method​

Depending on the course of studies, module and examination, credit points can be achieved through participation.


Certificate of Participation (0 CP, not graded)
Partner-Interview with a short analysis (2 CP, not graded)
Partner-Interview with an extensive analysis (4 CP, graded)

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