International FAQ

Most of our Modules are offered in German, as the majority of the University’s courses only have German as immatriculation requirement and we can therefore not expect the majority of the students to be confident in engaging in a debate in English.

We do try to offer some English-only modules, but if there is no explicit mention of a module being English on the pages of the respective module, the module will predominantly be in German. Note that lecture notes and further reading might still be in English.

In principle this is not necessary and we always try to find individual solutions for student who would rather hand in an assignment in English. Please write the contact person for your module of choice at the beginning of the term (and especially before handing in an assignment), if you wish to do so. If you neglect to do so, we might not grade your assignment and give you a default fail.

Please note that we require the same level of accurate and grammatically correct language in English, as we would in German. Your writing still has to be appropriate for an academic context.

Please write the contact person for your module of choice at the beginning of the term and inform them, if you need a certificate in English.


Participation is open to students of all courses of study at RWTH Aachen University, but registration via RWTHonline is a mandatory requirement.


Students of the RWTH International Academy gGmbH and persons associated with the RWTH (scientific and non-scientific staff, JARA members, cooperation partners, senior students, etc.) can participate as “other participants” without having to take exams. Students of other universities (especially the FH Aachen) can participate via small cross registration, a big cross registration allows regular participation.

In principle, “Leonardo” events are only accessible to registered students, but some events are public. These are announced via Facebook and our website.

On the respective module website, you can find contact persons to whom you can turn with all questions regarding the corresponding module

For each semester, you can only participate in one module to get a certificate. Participation in further modules as “otherparticipant” is possible, provided that there are remaining places available. Seminars are generally excluded.

The enrollment is carried out via RWTHonline by drawing lots. Students of the RWTH Aachen University are generally preferred when places are allocated. If you have indicated preferences when registering, we will do our best to consider them.


For students in the RWTH-FH cooperative study program Civil Engineering with orientation semester (BIOS) we guarantee a place in the modules you have chosen as compulsory subjects, provided that you have done a small cross registration in due time.

Zweithörer*in vorliegt. 

Signing off/ Change of enrollment

Please send an e-mail to the responsible contact person, who will take care of everything else. If, contrary to expectation, you are unable to participate in a module, we would be pleased if you were to make use of this opportunity, especially in cases where the corresponding modules are fully booked. This gives other students on the waiting list a chance to participate.


This is only possible if there is still space available in the module of your choice. We try to consider your highest preference when registering. If this is not possible due to overbooking, we will book you into a module with a lower preference.

Überbuchung nicht möglich sein, buchen wir Sie in ein Modul mit niedrigerer Präferenz.

The problem is known to us. Please contact Ms. Yildirim (sibel.yildirim[at]ipw.rwth-aachen.de) at the IPW directly, stating your matriculation number and the module concerned.


Registration for exams in “Leonardo” modules is done exclusively with the responsible student assistant, since the module administration does not run through the system. The corresponding deadlines will be announced at the beginning of the semester.

Students of all the RWTH’s courses of study as well as students with big cross-registration can take exams. In principle, you can take one type of examination of your choice per module. Further information on registration and deadlines will be provided at the beginning of the semester in the respective modules.

You can find the offered types of examination (e.g. coursework, graded papers, …) on the website of the respective modules, information on registration is available to registered students at the beginning of the semester.

You can find information on the offered exams on the pages of the respective modules.

Decisions on the recognition of exams are made at the faculty and departmental group level. In your examination regulations you will find information regarding your degree program. We strongly recommend that you seek advice from your departmental advisor.


Experience shows that crediting in “free elective areas”, “non-specialized elective areas” etc. is possible without any problems.


Please note that some degree programs do not allow you to subsequently submit passed academic achievements. Instead, you must have your academic achievements in the “Leonardo” project approved by your examination board at the beginning of the semester.

The academic committees of your respective program of study decide upon the recognition of examination achievements. We are committed to creating space for interdisciplinary content in as many study programs as possible. If this is not possible for you, we would be pleased to hear your opinion and to have you voice it towards the people in charge. The more students point out deficits in this respect, the easier it will be for us to work towards improvements within the university.

You can e.g. contact your program coordinator, your faculty council members, your representatives in subject committees and examination boards, your dean of studies or your student body as examples.

The examination boards decide on the recognition of CP values. The CP figures provided by us represent a recommendation and an assessment of the workload, which is intended to ensure uniform crediting of services.

If you are studying Environmental Engineering Sciences in the master’s program (PO19) and would like to have a course for the module “Leonardo” in the area of “Environmental Engineering Sciences in General” credited, please take an examination with 4 credit points. Only in this case the examination will be recognized for 5 CP according to your examination regulations.


All students who participate in a “Leonardo” module will get a certificate of participation or a certification for a passed exam.


You will receive the former if you “only” take part or do not successfully complete an examination. The latter you will receive if you successfully complete an examination during the semester. You will receive information on this at the beginning of the courses.

At the end of the semester you will receive a certificate confirming your passed examination in the module. You submit the certificate to the Central Examination Office (ZPA). Your performance will be entered into the system there.

We will issue the certificates for the students of each module at the end of the semester . As this often involves several hundred certificates, this process can take some time. However, you will be notified as soon as the certificates are ready for collection.

Usually, this is not possible. 

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